full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Gary Wolf: The quantified self

Unscramble the Blue Letters

We know that numbers are useful for us when we advertise, manage, govern, search. I'm going to talk about how they're useful when we reflect, learn, remember and want to improve. A few years ago, Kevin klley, my pentrar, and I noticed that people were subjecting themselves to regimes of quantitative measurement and self-tracking that went far beyond the onadriry, familiar habits such as sneppitg on a scale every day. People were tracking their food via Twitter, their kids' diapers on their iPhone. They were mankig detealid journals of their spending, their mood, their symptoms, their treatments.

Open Cloze

We know that numbers are useful for us when we advertise, manage, govern, search. I'm going to talk about how they're useful when we reflect, learn, remember and want to improve. A few years ago, Kevin _____, my _______, and I noticed that people were subjecting themselves to regimes of quantitative measurement and self-tracking that went far beyond the ________, familiar habits such as ________ on a scale every day. People were tracking their food via Twitter, their kids' diapers on their iPhone. They were ______ ________ journals of their spending, their mood, their symptoms, their treatments.


  1. ordinary
  2. detailed
  3. stepping
  4. kelly
  5. making
  6. partner

Original Text

We know that numbers are useful for us when we advertise, manage, govern, search. I'm going to talk about how they're useful when we reflect, learn, remember and want to improve. A few years ago, Kevin Kelly, my partner, and I noticed that people were subjecting themselves to regimes of quantitative measurement and self-tracking that went far beyond the ordinary, familiar habits such as stepping on a scale every day. People were tracking their food via Twitter, their kids' diapers on their iPhone. They were making detailed journals of their spending, their mood, their symptoms, their treatments.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
heart rate 3
sleep tracking 3
tracking system 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
sleep tracking system 2

Important Words

  1. advertise
  2. day
  3. detailed
  4. diapers
  5. familiar
  6. food
  7. govern
  8. habits
  9. improve
  10. iphone
  11. journals
  12. kelly
  13. kevin
  14. learn
  15. making
  16. manage
  17. measurement
  18. mood
  19. noticed
  20. numbers
  21. ordinary
  22. partner
  23. people
  24. quantitative
  25. reflect
  26. regimes
  27. remember
  28. scale
  29. search
  30. spending
  31. stepping
  32. subjecting
  33. symptoms
  34. talk
  35. tracking
  36. treatments
  37. twitter
  38. years